Friday, March 22, 2013

Fun Facts Friday

1. I smooth busted my butt (or knees) leaving my office earlier in the week. One moment I'm simply stepping off the curb to cross the street, next I'm on my knees on the asphalt. Really? Yes, that happened. There was not a shortage of an audience either. Clumsy... some things will never change.

2. I've been up since 2:30 this morning! That's not really fun, but it's a fact. Sometimes I go to sleep listening to a playlist on my iPhone. I think I need to make my playlist shorter, so it doesn't wake me up in the middle of the night! Yikes... this will be a LONG day.

3. I recently tried a DIY kitchen cleaner made with vinegar. I know they say it works well and the vinegar smell dissipates, but I can't get passed the smell. Even 20 minutes later, it's lingering in my kitchen. Not cool.

4. I've had a lot of stress on me lately, so I'm REALLY hopeful the weather is nice enough tomorrow so I can run outside. If not, I'll hit the treadmill. My legs are craving some mileage!

5. I've been putting fresh baby spinach in my protein shakes lately for an extra nutritional boost. You can't taste it one bit! Love it!

6. I realized Easter is next weekend. I may actually not put off Easter outfit and basket shopping until the last minutes for once!

7. I get my hair done next week. You know what you get to that point where you can barely contain yourself to get some color or a cut done? Yeah, I'm at that point. I've actually gone to my hair stylist for almost 10 years now! Wow, I just realized that one.

8. See #7. This means I will be all over Pinterest the next few days.

9. Since I like to procrastinate (see #6), I have yet to sign up for the Praxis II exam. Meh. To be able to teach in the state of Arkansas, I have to get that done. Maybe that should be on my agenda for the weekend.

10. Speaking of weekend agendas, I need to finish some projects around the house. Some are crafty, some are actually fixing things around my house. Maybe this weekend I'll tackle replacing the kitchen sink sprayer, a canvas I started on months ago, and a cake plate I am painting. That sounds like a good plan!

TurboFire - Shape 30

Since I woke up at 2:30, I had PLENTY of time to get a work out in.

Almond, Cherry, and Banana Oats

Arbonne Chocolate Protein Shake
Mixed with
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup water
1 TB unsweetned cocoa
1 cup fresh baby spinach

Homemade onion soup and a slice of gluten free bread, courtesy of my Dad! He loves to try new recipes, and he brought several soups over for me yesterday.

Cranberry Almond Kind Bar

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