Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back to Training

I've had a bit of a hiatus lately from the blogging world. I've been having problems with Blogger allowing others to view the blog and an illness in the family. As of lately I've REALLY got in to reading food blogs, more specifically, healthy and clean eating blogs. I've found the most WONDERFUL inspirations. My favorite thus far is for oatmeal. OK, well 2 favorites. I only have a picture of this morning's breakfast, though! It is SUPER simple.

Almond, Cherry, Banana Oatmeal

1 cup of quick cook oats cooked in water or almond milk
1 tsp of dried cherries
1 TB of almond butter (I used crunchy, this time)
1/3 of a banana, sliced

It was AWESOME! I've discovered almond butter in the past few months and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Oatmeal is my "thing," now. Since I've learned that I don't have to do the "prepackaged flavors," it has opened up a new world! I've even had oatmeal for my snacks or dinner. :) I can't stress enough how much I love it.

I've started training again for a half-marathon. I'm bound and determined to complete this, injury-free! :) I couldn't wait to start training so I ran a couple of times this weekend. I've been doing some Beach Body programs the past few months. I really enjoy them, but it's nothing like running trails! :) Fueling my body and runs right now is the foremost thing on my mind. Expect to see lots of food posts!!

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