Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Full Circle

Living 130 miles south of the Arctic Circles can pose some problems, and definitely put a cramp in my healthy-living lifestyle. Let me clarify, though. It puts a damper on my grocery shopping, given I don't know how to hunt! Alaska Natives are skilled hunters and fishermen/women. So far, I've had fresh Alaskan salmon, reindeer, bear, etc. The Alaskan diet is filled to the brim with nutritious foods. A major obstacle for me is getting fresh produce. We have produce at our local grocers, but since everything is shipped (barged or flown) in then it isn't the epitome of freshness.

I was recently introduce to Full Circle. Full Circle is a subscription service to get fresh, organic, locally grown produce each week. There are different packages available depending on how many mouths you need to feed. I haven't got my first order yet, but I can't tell you how excited I am! I have a huge hole in diet since I've moved here, and that hole definitely needs to be filled with fresh fruits and veggies!

Check out Full Circle and see if it's right for you! You can get 40% off your first order with this code ( REFERFC2013 ), and by using my name ( Erin Lynch ). Have fun and happy shopping!

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