1. Shakeology: I became a Beachbody Coach because of the nutrition and programs. I totally believe in this stuff. Shakeology isn't just a regular protein shake. It actually is the healthiest meal of the day. As a Coach, it's about a $3 meal for me each day. That beats Starbucks or hitting up the local smoothie place. It's a win, win.
2. PB2: I love peanut butter so much it's a part of my blog name. Doesn't that say enough?? I could sit and eat peanut butter out of a jar for each and every meal. It's sad, but true. It's good for you with the healthy fats, but healthy fats still need to be limited. Thankfully, I discovered PB2 a few years ago. If you aren't familiar with PB2, it's a powdered form of peanut butter. 2TB of PB2 is 45 calories with no saturated fat. 2TB of regular peanut butter is about 190 calories and 3 grams of saturated fat. You can add water to make it a paste similar to regular pb. Some people use this on sandwiches inlieu of regular pb, but I prefer to mix it in my shakes. Chocolate + Peanut Butter is definitely of God. I've actually discovered that PB2 mixed better than regular PB in my shakes. It's like a Reese's in a cup. (Except it's healthy.)
3. Oats: Oatmeal is pretty much a staple in my daily routine.When I became gluten free, I was surprised to learn that oats did not come from wheat. Oats are naturally gluten free. But why do I see oats that are labeled "gluten free?" Great question. Thanks for asking! ;) If, for example, oats are grown in a field next to wheat or processed in a facility that also process wheat, then they are not considered gluten free. The risk of contamination is high, so they cannot label them "gluten free." For some, this difference can be the difference between feeling healthy and being sick for week. Each person is different. If you are gluten intolerant, do what works for your body!
I recently discovered that you can grind oats to make oat flour. Oat flour is low cal, high fiber, and heart healthy. Making your own like this can save some big bucks!
I recently discovered that you can grind oats to make oat flour. Oat flour is low cal, high fiber, and heart healthy. Making your own like this can save some big bucks!
4. Lean Proteins (Chicken and Eggs): Your body needs and craves protein. It is essential to your health and fitness goals. Protein is the foundation for building strong muscles and bones, and it helps you stay fuller longer Chicken and eggs are just a couple of examples of lean proteins. These are just my favorites. 3oz of chicken has about 18g of protein. I usually just have egg whites. Whole eggs are good, though. The egg white + yoke is packed with even more protein. Don't worry about the cholesterol and fats - these are the good ones!
5. Ground flax: I have a tablespoon full of this stuff each day in my oatmeal. It has healthy fats, protein, and is high in fiber. The Eat Clean Diet suggests 1-2 TB daily. If you are new to this, then be warned. Flax acts as little scrubbers in your GI track. It WILL clean you out. :) Aside from making you "regular," flax also helps stabilize blood sugar, and lower cholesterol.
6. Kind bars: I won't say too much here, because I have a WHOLE post dedicated to Kind coming up. They so "kindly" sent a few, umm.... BOXES of Kind bars to review. Heaven... plain and simple. I will say that Kind bars are one of the few "bars" that I'll eat. They are clean - it's nice to actually SEE the food you are eating. They taste amazing and fill me up!
7. Almond Milk: I've been using almond milk for a few years now. Almond milk has more calcium than cow's milk, it's easier to digest, and has lower calories. I love it mixed with my Shakeology! It comes in different flavors like regular, vanilla, chocolate, etc. I always get unsweetened.
8. Fruits and Veggies: Remember, eating clean is eating God's foods. If He made it, then you can eat it! We don't have Twinkie trees. I think you get my drift. Fruits and veggies are full of fiber and nutrients that are amazing for our bodies. If you have a sweet tooth, grab a piece of fruit!
9. Veggie-based protein powders: I'm pretty cautious of and picky about the protein powders that I use. Milk-based proteins don't sit well with me. I haven't worked to find out if I'm lactose intolerant, yet. So, currently I'm just limiting the lactose that I get. I can only handle one food aversion at a time! I have continuously been a fan of a few veggie-based protein powders. Arbonne makes a really good vegan protein powder, that was 22g of protein. Also, MRM Veggie Protein is another one of my faves. I found this after He and She Eat Clean recommended it. 130 calories and 22 g of protein? Why, yes I think I will!
10. Avocados: Don't fall in to the "fat trap" with this little veggie-yet-technically-a-fruit. Avocados are full of the HEALTHY fats that your body needs and craves. Healthy fats keep you satisfied longer. Avocados are amazing little things. You can dice them up for a salad, mash them to spread on a sandwich, or you can even mix them to make brownies!
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