Tuesday, December 10, 2013

2014 is right around the corner...

so here is to a new year and a NEW YOU! At the end of each year, I find myself looking back at the events over the year and wondering what the upcoming one has in store for me. I'm sure many people do this, but it is still awe inspiring to look at our struggles and triumphs and how He has seen us through it all. Last year, I was in Dubai and reflecting over my mom's sickness through the years and the loss of her in 2012. This year I find myself looking at how strong my family has become and our faith has endured the storms, and also how drastically my life has changed in the past 12 months. I went from being a technical writing in corporate America to a school teacher in 2013. In 2013, I also found myself in the best shape of my life - literally. None of it has been easy, but all of the babysteps were a part of a long journey. I couldn't be happier than I am right now, my career, my family, etc are all where God wants us (right now). 

In 2014, I aim to focus quite a bit more on my overall health. Does that mean losing weight? Yes, but that's not my primary goal. I just want to be FIT and HEALTHY. I learned my son may have some more food intolerances, so that pushes me even further to be the best role model for him I can be. This focus is also not just for me, but for helping others. All of that being said, I am excited to have SEVERAL challenge groups starting January 2nd! I am SUPER excited one of these is P90X3 - which is released TODAY! I love P90X, but sometimes I don't have time for an hour-long workout. P90X3 is 30 minutes! I also will have a T25 and Turbo Fire group, too. You can JOIN my groups and workout from the comfort of your home. That's one thing I love about Beach Body progress, the recent winter weather did NOT deter my workouts. Gym, shym! :) 

Sign-up up for a FREE membership with me as your coach on my site, http://www.beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/pieceloveandpb. Send me a message, if you would like, or I will contact you about my upcoming groups! :)

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