Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Paleo Day 1

Today is the day that I kick off my Paleo adventure! I was going to wait until next week, because my son's birthday is Sunday. I honestly couldn't wait to start and I also figured the birthday festivities won't throw a wrench in it all. There will ALWAYS be something that you have to work around, so I will just push through it. I talked to my son about the dietary transition in the house, and he wasn't terribly happy. I still plan to load up his protein, fruits, and veggies, but I'll still let him have rice, gluten free bread, etc. I've noticed he has a HUGE sugar addiction (to know fault of his own - he doesn't drive himself to the store, right??)To ease him in to the transition, I headed to Pinterest in search of a Paleo brownie recipe. 3 avocados, cacoa nibs, a TB of coconut oil, etc later, we had paleo brownies! OMG they were good. Obviously they weren't as sweet as the traditional version, but they were a success nonetheless.

After the kiddo went to bed last night, I decided it was prime time to clean the cupboards. (He will be mad at me later...) Out went 4 boxes of fruit snacks, brown sugar, white sugar, sugar-laden granola, etc.

Since it was a final "hoorah" last night, I thought I could down some granola and chocolate chips etc. The result - a sugar rush that has left me sleepless, bloated, and feeling sick this morning. I've been up since 2 am - not cool. So, for breakfast I decided a bowl of GF oats would help get things "moving" and even out my blood sugar. I've seen differing opinions as to whether or not gluten free oats are paleo-friendly. In paleo, you eliminate grains and other foods that cause inflammation. Since these oats are gluten free, they are far less inflammatory than it's contaminated counterpart (yay for alliteration!). Here's my meal breakdown so far...


GF Oats cooked in almond milk
ground flax
almond butter

egg white scramble w/ asparagus, kale, tomatoes, mushrooms, and bell pepper
topped with salsa

Snack 1
Hardboiled egg white
Baked kale

A little skillet mixture I made last night with chicken, mushrooms, kale, onion, and sweet potato

Snack 2
paleo brownie :)
tomato slices

Cucumber salad and turkey burgers

Snack 3 (if hungry)
Hardboiled egg white
tomato slices

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