Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oatmeal and Gym Time

The only thing that got me out of bed this morning was the thought of a warm bowl of oatmeal. You know those mornings where the house is a bit chilly and you just want to stay snuggled in your cozy bed? That was my morning. But I knew there would be a hot breakfast waiting for me. Coffee and oatmeal; breakfast of champions (like me).

I love oatmeal so much! I've been known to have oatmeal for supper. Why not?? :) Oatmeal is SO good for your body. It helps stabilize your blood sugar, which keeps you from having the sugar high and crash that can be associated with sugar cereals, etc. It also can keep you full for hours on end. I usually use Old Fashioned oats, mostly because that's what I have a coupon for. (I cut corners where I can!) I stay away from instant, quick cooking oats, etc. They don't have near the amount of nutrients. Food is fuel, right?

Once you choose your oats, then comes the fun part! You can add anything you want to it. I rarely have oats with out peanut or almond butter to top it off. My favorite additions are nut butters (evidently), dried cranberries, bananas, apples, peaches, ground flax, brown rice syrup, and I'm sure I could go on. This morning was no different! I usually cook my oats in the microwave. Yes, I'm a cheater and cook a LOT in the microwave. One less dish to wash makes me a happy lady. (There I go cutting corners, again!) Well, today I had what I refer to as the Original Chunky Monkey Oatmeal.

1/2 Cup Oatmeal 
1/2 Banana - sliced
1TB Natural Peanut Butter (I used chunky.)
1TB PB2 (cause sometimes I feel guilty eating nut butters several times a week day :) )
2TB Ground Fax
1/2 TB Unsweetened Cocoa

What is good after a delicious and nutritious breakfast? A good work out! Well, I usually work out at night, because of my schedule. But, my breakfast sets the tone for the day. :) Honestly, I had to drag my behind to the gym tonight. I didn't feel well all day, but since I had such a crazy week last week - I only got one run in. I feel very guilty when I don't run, even on my "off" days. I got 2 miles in tonight, but considering I was cramping the whole time, 2 miles is fine for me! I ussually do cardio first, then do weights. I usually mix up which weights I do, depending on my mood, time, and availability in the gym.

Tonight's workout:

Treadmill: 0% incline - 2 miles - 20 minutes

Legs and Back
Leg press: 100 lb - 25 reps (2 times)
Back extension: 3 lb - 25 reps (2 times)
Pull down: 70lb - 15 reps (2 times)
Chest press: 30 lb - 15 reps (2 times)
Kick backs: 5 lb - 15 reps (2 times)
Lateral curls: 8lb - 15 reps (2 times)

Random thought of the day: It is such an inspiration going to the gym and seeing so many familiar faces. I love seeing so many people so hard at work for themselves. It really inspires me to keep pushing. :)

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