Friday, December 6, 2013

Why don't you just live a little?

I get questions all the time about my lifestyle...

How can you log everything you eat?
Honestly, this seemed overwhelming to me at first. I've been doing it for several years now, and it has simply become natural for me to do. I use an app on my phone, and I know others who use the traditional pen and paper route. I do this for multiple reasons...
  • I can easily see what I've eaten through out the day which makes me more mindful to make healthy decisions. It's not necessarily about the calories to me, but about my healthier choices.
  • I can see my overall nutrition for the day, which allows me to see where I am deficient in my "high points" like sugar, protein, cholesterol, carbs, cals, and fat. I can have met my calorie goal for the day, but if I have very little protein and everything was loaded with carbs and sugars, then I know that's still not healthy!
  • It's not just about me. Since my app allows me to create recipes, I can make sure they are well-rounded for my child, too.
It's just become second nature to log my food and I encourage everyone to do it too.
Isn't being gluten free hard and really expensive? Why bother?
Initially it was difficult, because I had to learn the various names for gluten and learn how to read food labels. I've been gluten free for almost 2 years now, so it is pretty easy for me at this point. 

If you simply buy gluten free cookies verses regular cookies, gluten free pizza vs regular pizza, and so on, then YES it's way more expensive. I choose items that are naturally gluten free, like fruits, veggies, chicken, nuts, etc. I don't mind buying gluten free versions of items, but those tend to not be whole, clean foods. I allow them in limited quantities and I have no problem letting my son have them. 

I'm gluten free because I have to be. I prefer not being sick constantly with various problems from chronic migraines to GI issues. Gluten free isn't suitable for everyone, but it is for my home. :)

You're gluten free. You must be so healthy!
Just like I said earlier, I'm gluten free because I have to be for my own health and my son's, too. Prior to being gluten free, I had chronic migraines (4-6 times a week) and numerous other issues like GI problems. Gluten free is not something I would advise someone to do unless I truly thought (in my completely unprofessional opinion) that they had an actual issue with gluten. Contrary to what SO many people think, "gluten free" doesn't necessarily mean "healthier." If your body cannot process gluten, then yes it's healthier for you to be gluten free. Don't just assume gluten free is the new fad, quick fix in diets. It's a lifestyle and something that people should take seriously if they truly have to. Those of you that aren't gluten intolerant or have celiac, then consider yourself LUCKY! You can get SO many nutrients from whole grains, whereas we have to find these elsewhere.

How do you workout so early and so often?
Just like focusing on my nutrition, exercise has simply become ingrained in to my everyday routine. I absolutely love it! Of course there are days where I don't feel up to a workout, or it's hard for me to get into my workout. I also remind myself of my "progress photos," and that is usually the best motivation I need. I went from a size 12 to a size 6 (see my pics below). I have come so far, why stop now?

Why don't you just live a little?
I like to answer that question with a question! 
Why do you think I'm not living? I LOVE chocolate and peanut butter, and I have many clean treats that I make with it. My favorite Shakeology recipe is the Vegan Chocolate Shakeology with PB2. Knowing that I'm fueling my body makes me happy and I feel like I am living well. I also have no problem indulging in the occasional cupcake, etc. I just have to remind myself to not fall off the wagon! I know how I feel when I've had too much sugar or carbs, and I had that feeling. I've discovered that when I eat clean, then when I have some not-so-clean foods it does a number on me! I can feel the effects of what those foods do to my body and it reminds me why I love my lifestyle. 

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