Monday, March 11, 2013

A Cheesy Fiasco

Unless you've been under a rock lately, you've more than likely heard about the news centered around Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I first saw the headlines on Yahoo last week. "Mac and cheese... what, what!?" Mac and cheese is one of my "gives" when it comes to my kiddo's diet. I've mixed with with quinoa to give him more of a nutritional punch, but also it's good when I'm in a pinch. As of last week, I found myself researching alternatives.

Here's the rundown, Kraft (along with other brands) use Yellow dye 5 and Yellow dye 6 to give the pasta that day-glow orange hue. What? Did you it was actually cheddar cheese that made it orange? These food colors are known to be associated with hyperactivity in children, migraines, and allergies. These dyes are contaminated with known carcinogens (benzene), which is derived from petroleum. Kraft's product in Great Britain does not contain these ingredients. Mind you, the FDA has a list of about 10 banned chemicals/substances while the EU has around 1200 banned chemicals and substances. The EU, especially the UK, is super strict regarding GMO (genetically modified) foods.  They want YEARS of testing and results before the accept it on the market. 

:( This is not a happy momma... But, thanks to some other not so happy mommas, bloggers at 100 days of Real Food, this situation has been brought to light. They have started a petition that you can sign online and share on social media or email. You can see more from their blog here.

What are the alternatives, you ask? I'm sure there's more nationwide, but locally we have a lot of Annie's Naturals Foods and Back to Nature products.We've tried both in the past, and they are really good! I tend to buy what's on sale, so I will stock up on these when the price is right! In our house, we prefer the "Crazy Bugs" from Back to Nature. Annie's has a gluten free option, which is nice!

If you'd like to sign the petition, visit

TurboFire - Core 20
That worked me last time! Let me tell you, I woke up in the middle of the night when I would try to turn over, because my core was so sore! Now THAT is a workout! :)

Breakfast Quinoa w/ PB, choc, and bananas

1 serving quinoa, cooked
1 TB Peanut Butter, natural
1/2 Banana, sliced
1/2 - 1 TB Flax seed, ground
1 TB 60% cacao chips

Cook the Quinoa according to the direction. I cooked mine in one-half water, and one-half almond milk.
Once the quinoa is cooked, move it to your bowl. Top it with 1/2 sliced banana, 1 TB of 60% cacao chips, 1 TB natural peanut butter, and 1/2 - 1 TB of ground flax seed. 

Amy's Kitchen, Gluten Free Burrito

Arbonne Vanilla Protein Shake mixed with peaches and almond milk


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